My Feng Shui 

Now available from

Balboa Press 

Softcover $39.99, E-Book $7.99

Primary goals, inner calm, harmony, creativity and family bonding are vital in our present-day lifestyle. Many people work from home, prefer home-schooling, and multi-generations live under the same roof.

My Feng Shui, written in the teaching sequence of a genuine Feng Shui master for the Western mind, shows, in elementary form, how to achieve positive changes in your environment without adding Chinese symbols. The steps are systematically presented and uncomplicated, essential to confidently arranging your home and business to foster harmony, prosperity and good health.

The study begins with the core of Feng Shui-the application of Yin and Yang and the distribution of Chi, the current that runs through and unites our bodies, dwellings and environment, said to be the spiritual breath of the Chinese dragon. You will learn to orchestrate Chi to attract and detract according to your needs, employing lights, shapes, colours and the placement of objects associated with water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Sound complicated? it's not if taken room by room as set out in My Feng Shui.

As you proceed through nthe coming chapters, you will read that there are three different schools of Feng Shui, but ib truth, only one combines all three. Learning the fields of study one at a time simplifies this elaborate art.

Read about the Feng Shui Dragon

"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life;  we must first set our hearts right".- Confucius "Master Kong," (September 28, 551 BCE – 479 BCE)  Chinese thinker and social philosopher.